Category: Video

1000 days for the planet

[slideshow time=”2000″ size=”427×240″][slider img=”×358-2-427×238.jpg” href=”” caption=”” button=””] [slider img=”×358-3-427×238.jpg” href=”” caption=”” button=””] [slider img=”×358-4-427×238.jpg” href=”” caption=”” button=””] [slider img=”×358-5-427×238.jpg” href=””

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Rei Davi with Sahara Wonderland footage

[slideshow time=”4000″ size=”708×398″][slider img=”×960-708×531.jpg” href=”” caption=”” button=””] [slider img=”×960-708×531.jpg” href=”” caption=”” button=””] [/slideshow] A month ago the mini series called

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The last true secrets

[slideshow time=”3000″ size=”427×240″][slider img=”×279.jpg” href=”” caption=”” button=””] [slider img=”×284.jpg” href=”” caption=”” button=””] [slider img=”×284.jpg” href=”” caption=”” button=””] [/slideshow] The pictures

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Glasvegas music video: Euphoria, Take My Hand

[slideshow time=”3000″ size=”427×240″] [slider img=”×240.jpg” href=”” caption=”” button=””] [slider img=”×175.jpg” href=”” caption=”” button=””] [/slideshow] Parts of “Sahara Wonderland” were used

Continue readingGlasvegas music video: Euphoria, Take My Hand